Serendipity is a legend, an inspiration, and a quest. It is the wide-eyed and the unexpected.
Serendipity is the mother of all discoveries.
It is the force which brings to life wild and unforgettable encounters, it is the power to propel our journeys into something life changing.
Life is a mere blink in time, a flickering impermanence. We must remain inspired by our dreams, to experiment with our innate search for joy, to be eager to love, to achieve self-transcendence, to connect with unfamiliar cultures, to lock eyes with Mother Nature herself to feel the full range of emotions she can present.
Serendipity is the Enchantress of life’s adventures. Collectively, we strive to achieve a common ambitious quest, a shared purpose defined by our curated knowledge, our altruistic hearts, our deepest passions, and by our visionary pursuit of an ideal.
We are Serandipians.
We, the Travel Designers, the Luxury Hoteliers, the humble Craftsmen and Masters of the unseen, with the refined and adventurous Travellers, we love the art of joy, surprise, and happenstance.
We are explorers of the «Art de Vivre». We are pursuing an ideology. Together, we are designing a new beginning, one of wonder and discovery.
We are believers in Serendipity.
We are Serandipians.